Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple, a new economic and managerial model

Overview of promising job positions

The publication in the last months of different studies on promising job positions like « Livre Blanc les métiers porteurs horizon 2020 » (White Paper on promising job occupations horizon 2020) by Career Builder, one study of E&Y / LinkedIn, the study « The...
Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple, a new economic and managerial model

Happy New Year 2015

Dear Friends, Dear Customers, Dear Partners, I would like to thank you for your loyalty. Year 2014 allowed us to continue our international development with the opening of our office near Frankfurt in Germany. Our location in Germany gives us access to the most...

Belgium Market Overview

Located in Belgium since last year, Alhambra International gives you some facts and figures about economy, education and social issues. Belgium is an important crossroads in Europe around France, Germany, Luxembourg, Nederland and also Great Britain!  Belgium is also...